Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Another Day

Although my life is quite ordered, it is also very chaotic. After working from 7.30am this morning, the kids had to be at dancing at 5.00 p.m. Although I don't close until then we are a minute away from the dance hall and generally make it on time. However today, for some reason, my customers seemed to be very time tardy and coming in at 1 minute to 5. As a working mother, wife etc how is it I can manage to get somewhere before 1 minute to closing whilst stay at home people leave things to the last moment. I apologise if this sounds patronising but of late my patience for "slackness" is dwindling. Maybe I would be the same if I was a stay at home woman, I don't know...but my hope is that this does not happen too often.

OK that's off my chest, here's a lo for you....

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