Saturday, February 28, 2009

New Header

thanks to Ngaire for pointing me in the directions of Rhonna Farrer and her beautiful headers. A new one was certainly overdue and I quite like it. Off to Athletics sign on this afternoon and hopefully getting some los started tonight....havagoodweekend!!!!

New Header:

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Silly, quirky mood....

today; perhaps it's from the constant wet weather or just needed to bust out a bit. I have had this beautiful black feather in my stash for ages and today was the day I really wanted to use it on a lo. LOL sometimes I worry about myself, anyway I used it with a bow I also had in my stash and called the lo Feathers and Bows: (What else you might ask?), however the lo didn't turn out too badly. I now think I have it out of my system.....until the next time!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Autumn Leaves

I just love this Autumn Leaves paper which suited the colour of the photo extremely well. I stitched in the light lilac to add to the pattern on the paper and the kindy glitz on the buterflies. The photo was really an "at the moment" shot on stage and I needed to lighten up the feel as both the kids looked really sad. I love the way it turned out.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Boys Ahoy

I though a masculine lo was called for as I have really been doing a lot of girlie stuff lately. Wade and Kendall were in their element at the Brock Experience in Yeppoon, so much so that they are going down again in March for the starting up of the cars and meeting some of the drivers. When I cam across this chipboard saying of Boys and Their Toys I knew that the car pictures had found their calling. I did some girlie stuff yesterday with Autumn leaves paper but will share it with you sometime in the future.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Some shares at last!!

What a great night at Friday Frenzy! Great scrapping, the birth of a baby, congratulations to Jan and Tony McGrath on another granddaughter, and what a great night for us to share the news with you. It is really a wonder we got anything done with all the frivolity however I managed 2 single los and a very simple double. I am sharing the result of the online class with Ngaire at Scrapbooking top 50. The class was last night but I downloaded it before hand so I could complete it at Magical Memories last night. We have a busy weekend with Jazz workshops so this post will have to be brief. Have a great weekend....

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

What a week

and it's only Wednesday! I am looking forward to Friday night as I am cropping at Magical Memories and I also have a Ngaire Bartlem kit for an online class the same night. Guess I'll do it on Saturday. The kids have a jazz workshop this weekend for their exams so in between running them to class, mowing the yard again and getting the domestics done, I am hopeful to get stuck into the rest of our holiday snaps. Hopefully I will be able to achieve something. Look forward to sharing some los with you soon. This is one of the photos I hope to scrap on Friday night. Nothing like mixing pink and machinery.......

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Hubby's new toy.

Wade has always wanted a big TV, but as our TV was still fine I made him wait. However last Wednesday night the old TV gave up the ghost. So then the research began. I left it all to him and then he found one on ebay (usually my place to purchase). Hearts raced as we put in our final bid and won the TV. A 42'' plasma arrived by TNT on Friday. Talk about a pig in mud he now has it all set up, although we had to buy a new cabinet as ours would not accomodate such a large TV. A picture of set up is included. Wade is very happy with his toy and when he is happy we are all happy.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


You know I love my kids immensely. but yesterday, all the grooming, training, what ever you like to call it paid off. We were soooo busy at work and both Jan and I tonguing for a cuppa but no time to make it. Kendall went out the back and within 5 minutes was bringing us each a cup of coffee and a biscuit. He even used a saucer under each cup. I know they are only 8 but I so appreciated this little act of kindness. Both he and Dana then washed up the cups etc when we were finished. Thanks kids...Now the second gratification of the day occurred when Wade's 42''
Plasma arrived by TNT. "A pig in mud" could not be happier. So after our promotion of the Athletics club at one of the shopping centres this morning we are off to find a new cabinet etc for it. A happy family exists this weekend. LOL

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Australian Lo

I do apologise for not blogging lately. I seem to get caught up with the everyday life somehow and the need to have sleep here and there. However last night I started on a challenge lo for Scrapbooking Premiere and chose photos not of people but of 2 beautiful cockatoos which Wade caught on camera at Causeway Lakes in Yeppoon in January. As we had to use paint on a page I decided to use the gum trees as a theme and paint (lol me painting!) the twigs and branches and then hand make the blossoms. You know how I mentioned sleep well last night was not one of those foe 8 hours. The blossoms came up quite well for an amateur and then I sketched to branches underneath. The painting was scary but in the end it all worked out. It is not my usual style however I am quite pleased with the different look of the end result. On a sadder note please remember the victims from the Victorian fires as well as our northern cousins in the floods in you prayers. (Nature can be beautiful but oh so cruel as well.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


This lo was created out of the need to produce something to enhance this photograph of my daughter. The photo was taken in Capricornia Caves and the background is pitch black, as the flash only picked up her image. I wanted to bring a back ground into the lo which enhanced the photo but was also visually pleasing. It took a while and a combination of media but I think I like it now. I will review it in the morning just to see what the effect of a night's sleep has.........

Stationery Supplies

Do you have the same problem with stationery as me. You put the stapler, ruler etc back where it goes and then when you want it it is no where to be found. This happens often in the Bates family and "not me" is not even a member of our family but he seems to take everything without asking. SOLUTION!!!! Whilst browsing a catalogue a couple of weeks ago I came across these very garish items. Yes I know, why would anyone want such out there stationery items, however it seems no one in my house wants to be seen dead using them, so when I need a calculator or stapler these two are still in the desk where I left them. I really don't mind what they look like, they work and they are available when I want them. Problem solved.

Friday, February 6, 2009

A Task Completed

Hi all, sorry I haven't posted lately but have been quite busy. We have just come in from mowing before the next lot of rain appears. Kendall was on the ride on and Wade and I on push mowers. We really needed to cut the grass so the air can get in and help dry out the yard. Apparently we are in for torrential rain on the weekend. If this is the case, I might even get a lo or 2 done. Till then......

Monday, February 2, 2009

A really wet weekend.

Well the creek is up in the back yard, not, thank God, as bad as Feb 15th 2008, however we won't need much more to send it up and around the retaining wall in the back yard. What else do you do on a rainy Sunday but of course scrap. I wanted to do a masculine page for hubby using the photos from The Brock Experience in Yeppoon but when you take 53 photos at one place it is a little daunting. So I went with a 7 X 5 of the man himself infront of a Mt Panorama poster and then printed a contact sheet with small photos to use as a boarder. A simple lo but DH likes it and that is what counts.

A really wet weekend.