Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Surprising myself!

I actually got to do the competition lo for Scrapbooking Premiere, which will be judged at their retreat in October. I just needed to do something for me, as I have been running around for everyone else lately. We had to capture a mood of some description, use black white and red, feather, masking and some sort of bling. The kids birthday was a very happy/party mood, could not resist using a feather as a mask on the white c/s and just love stickles and dimentional magic, not to mention glitter. Had a ball, although the craft table looked a little worse for wear after it was finished!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Sept/Oct Sketch @ Premiere

This challenge sketch is absolutely inspirational and I found myself with a couple of hours before bed last night in which I created from this sketch. It will be pretty hectic in my household for the next 4 weeks so I may not get a lot of scrapping done. Was really glad with the outcome of this one though and even managed to get to bed by 10 p.m. last night.