Saturday, August 30, 2008

Scrapping with Marni

Good morning....sounds cheery doesn't it however I have just got out of bed after a really great night of scrapping. Thanks to Marni, Kristy, and Kylie at our table for making last night a productive and social occasion. I love Friday Frenzy and no matter how tired I am I seem to spark up for this event. Roll on 12/9/08. As promised I did a layout from the Tarisota August pack. I combined colours and patterns that I probably would not have done before. (Learning to think outside the box). Have a really great day.......

Friday, August 29, 2008

Tarisota Pack

Received my August Basic Grey kit from Tarisota on Wednesday. Fantastic pack. Can't wait until tonight at our Friday Frenzy to start using some of the pack. The ideas CD is wonderful and I have printed some to take with me but will have it up on the screen when scrapping at home. Hopefully I can show you a lo tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Terrific Tuesday

Well here I am again on my day day it will be a day off. Did the farm books this morning as well as picked up lollies for athletics, picked up jewellery that was being fixed. Helped out with computer class at school this afternoon. We've done the homework, and only have the hem to go on another costume. I am only half way through the second teacher present which should have been finished today, but alas no. The pictures are of a work in progress.

After tea I'm off to adult jazz class and then I might think about what's needed for tomorrow before flopping into bed. (At least it's never dull around here.) Have a great week.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday Monday....

Well the start of another week.....Sunday was spent helping my mum put together a book for her 50th school reunion. As a favour to me she also helped me out by supervising my sewing of dance costumes. I can use a computer, she can use a sewing machine... we make a great team.

Well I'm happy to sew the costumes are nearly done and the eisteddfod is not until October.

Hopefully tomorrow will be a little less stressful. I've started another teacher present so hope to get it almost complete. Hope you all had a great day. Here's another lo for you to look at. Shame he is 8 years old now (or will be in 2 weeks). They were such cute babies.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Survival - Another Week

OK...I move a motion...Mothers are the greatest endurance people on earth.

We have survived another week which started badly with a bad chest infection but ended delightfully with the kids being in the 2008 Book Week Parade. I've included photos...thanks to Nanna, as I was taking the video for the Library. (The library is next door to my post office and I often get conned into doing strange things). I estimate there would have been over 500 kids not to mention several 100 Mums, Dads, Grandparents and others. The parade grows in strength each year and everyone really has a great time. Talk to you all soon!!!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Book Week

Walkerston Library celebrates the culmination of Book Week with a parade down the main street. The kids dress as characters and everyone gets to eat cake and drink cordial afterward. This year Kendall (No. 1 son) wanted to go as Tomata without the T, from cars.

Thank God for creative Grandparents and a Dad. The photo shows Kendall ready for the parade on Friday, 22, hopefully he won't find it too heavy. (The things we do to please!!!)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Olympic Contribution?

I attended Friday Frenzy at Magical Memories last night and would like to share with you my contribution to Olympic memories. (Photos compliments of the olympic web site) LO using opals and glitter. Enjoy your weekend. Go Grant Hackett!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008


I am not really a sewer unless it is on a scrapbook lo however am quite proud of myself. The kids got their costume designs for eisteddfod groups yesterday. As mothers you get to trace the pattern (sitting on the floor of the hall sticking sheets of paper together to get the size for each pattern piece) and then adjust it to fit your child. After tea last night I cut out my tracing and shock horror even got it to fit my son. Now comes the tricky part......sewing. Thank God Mum is a sewer and I will invite her guidance on this one. (I'm sure I won't have any trouble scrapping the photos when it is all complete!!!!!) Have a terrific Thursday..

(Here is the little darling for whom the costume is being made. His tooth has grown back!)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Sneak Peak revealed

As promised yesterday I now have to show you the beautiful (well I think it is) lo I did with 3d flowers and butterflies. I took one of Carole Janson's classes in Brisbane and was inspired to use the technique again...thank Carole. Happy scrapping

Monday, August 11, 2008

"There is a God!"

Had a pretty hectic and hair-raising day at work today...maybe it's just me ! I sometimes wish I could just stay home in my scrap room and do my own thing instead of worrying about other people. However I was pleasantly surprised to come home and find hubby (Below) in the kitchen with tea underway. The table was set and everything. Sometimes bad things need to happend to allow the good ones to shine through. (Just had to take a picture to make sure I wasn't seeing things.
I have also included tonight a sneak peak of a layout I did on the weekend which was inspired by Carole Jansen. her 3D work is great and I really adds to your embellishments on a page. Will show more tomorrow.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Aha...beautiful Saturday

No need to rush out of bed today, but who was awake at 5.30 p.m. Oh Well at least I got to watch the replay of the opening ceremony....spectacular really. Did the household chores before heading off to our own little olympics at athletics this afternoon.

Always enjoy seeing all the kids trying really hard to better their last performance.

Well I might get to scrap tonight if I'm are tired from this arvo and I might get them to bed early....I live in hope.
"Our little man at athletic in Townsville."

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Olympic Eve

Well it's here..the day before the Olympics opening ceremony. The kids are really excited althought I think they will have to watch the replay on Saturday morning. (Tired kids are not my cup of tea at any time.) I hope our Aussies do their very best, not sure about the pollution though. Lets wish them all the best...Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi!!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hectic Wednesday

OK, we've made it home from are fed and contented; husband still not home (not unusual at this time of year in the sugar industry).

I am so happy that a lady I admire, Jill GG, has made in onto the design team for American Craft studio. She is a great scrapper and I'm sure she will excel in this design team..Well done Jill. If you don't know her work check out for some great stuff.

Here are the two men in my life. They are so much alike it's not funny, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

Have a great evening.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Christmas.....Scary thoughts!!!

Some kind soul reminded me recently that there are only 24 weeks to Christmas.

For me chaos reigns as the mail becomes unbearable...but also there are the obligatory teacher gifts.

I thought I would start early this year and have produced one gift already. A peak of it is on this page.

Will try for kinder thoughts tomorrow!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Friday Frenzy

What a great day Friday was. Nothing went wrong at work. We made the dance lesson on time and I made "Friday Frenzy" on time. My local scrapbook shop holds crop session every second Friday from 5.00 to midnight. We have a great time scrapping, eating and ultimately socialising.

I managed to get two single los and a double page completed and started another single page.

I love these sessions as you can bounce ideas off others and seek different opinions; a luxury you don't have when you scrap alone.

Here's one of my los from last night...........Have a Scrappy Weekend