Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Shabby Scrap: April Challenge

Easter photos are always a challenge, but the challenge from Lets Get Shabby was to do an Easter lo. Most of our photos are from the bunny visit, as this is the only time over Easter I remember to get the camera out. It is usually a relaxing weekend at our house, a total opposite from our usual hustle and bustle. I decided to use the kids Easter baskets as an inspiration and have all my eggs in the one basket. Tulle, bows, glitter, stickles, diamentes, fibres and ribbon helped make the lo have the "shabby feel".

Sunday, April 11, 2010

April Challenge-Scrapbooking Premiere

Sandra and the girls have once again challenged us to create a lo using a minimum of elements. Colour inclusion needed to be coffee, metal and beads needed to be evident, the word remember had to be in title or journalling and the theme was a place or thing. For one who is used to scrapping people, this became a challenge in itself to find a suitable photograph. Luckily the kids had gone to Eungella with the grands over Easter and Dana had taken this magnificent tree with plaited vines on it.....problem solved!! (I do not want to see another bead for a little while either..

Special night in

Had some friends over last night for dinner. What great company and wonderful way of creating your own entertainment. Kids all got on fab and included all of us in their entertainment. It reinforced for me how lucky we are to have such wonderful friendships and how much I miss those friends who are far away and cannot join in on these evenings. So too my special ones away at the moment, enjoy every moment, make sure you have the best times, but remember those at home love you heaps and would like to see in back safe and sound when you are ready!!!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Kraft it Up and Scrapbook Premiere Challenges

Well I had time today to manage a couple of challenges.
The first lo is from the Scrapbooking Premiere sketch challenge for April and I could not resist using these two photos of Dana on Easter morning showing just exactly which eggs she likes and which ones she does not prefer....
The second lo is for Kraft it up and they required Kraft as the background and a monochromatic colour scheme. I used a lego brick to create the background in cobalt blue then painted some chipboard letters the same colour and coated them with dimensional magic. I had a pen the same colour so just outlined the word King so it fitted in. Very simple but effective no less.
One day blogger will show me how to get the pictures the right way round....


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Special Friends

Here is a lo I have done for one of mdd special friends. She is having her room repainted and has new bed linen etc. They are all growing up too quickly. I did the lo in the colours of her room. She told me she is over fairies etc and wants a more grown up feel for her bedroom. Don't wee all!!! Happy Easter to all..