Monday, May 31, 2010

Bowen Athletics Carnival

A big weekend for us just gone. Our annual trip to Bowen for the Athletics Carnival was quite successful. Kendall had 10 events, which he placed in 6. 1st in 800m walk, 800m run, 400m sprint and 1500m run, 2nd in hurdles and 3rd in 200m run. Dana, who is not really an athlete but does excel in the race walk, placed third in the 800m walk, her first real medal as generally she has only got the participation medal for athletes 7 and under. She was stoked and so were we. It just goes to show you have to find your niche in each area of your endeavours. Kendall and I are off to Rockhampton next Sunday for him to compete in the Caprincornia Cross Country. He will be representing Mackay District. We also have a dance workshop next weekend so everything is on a timetable so we can get to everything. Have a great week!

1 comment:

Deb said...

Congratulations guys....well done. Good luck for Rocky Kendall.