Monday, April 5, 2010

Kraft it Up and Scrapbook Premiere Challenges

Well I had time today to manage a couple of challenges.
The first lo is from the Scrapbooking Premiere sketch challenge for April and I could not resist using these two photos of Dana on Easter morning showing just exactly which eggs she likes and which ones she does not prefer....
The second lo is for Kraft it up and they required Kraft as the background and a monochromatic colour scheme. I used a lego brick to create the background in cobalt blue then painted some chipboard letters the same colour and coated them with dimensional magic. I had a pen the same colour so just outlined the word King so it fitted in. Very simple but effective no less.
One day blogger will show me how to get the pictures the right way round....


1 comment:

Deb said...

Great LO' at Dana's face on her likes and dislikes. I didn't get as much scrapping done this weekend as I had hoped but not too a heap of jobs done around the house so that's a bonus. Your KIU one is clever.